Lead Profile

Lead Profile

In this section, you can add lead profiles. (Ex. Upwork, freelancer).

Add Lead Profile

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Lead Profile > Add Lead Profile

Field Name


Name *

This is the required field and represents the name of the lead Profile.

Lead Source *

This is a required field. Here select Lead Source.

Platform *

This is a required field. Select a platform for the lead profile


In this field, you can select Employee. In this Employee field, you can Select a person, marketing person, or employee


This field allows you to add the URL of the lead Profile website or any other relevant online presence.


The Status of the lead profile can be set to Active or inactive. Inactive types will not be available for use in the CRM

Edit Lead Profile

Go to Top Panel > CRM > Lead Profile > Edit Lead

Delete Lead Profile

Go to Top Panel > CRM > Lead Profile > Delete Lead

Note: Once you can select Lead Profile in CRM you can’t delete