Google Calendar Connectivity

Meeting Google Calendar Connectivity

First you need to create project in google console

Click New project

Fill project name and click create button

Then select you project and click navigation menu on left top

Click APIs & Services > Enabled Apis & Services

Click Enable Apis and services button

Click Google Calendar Api

Click Enable button

Click Oath Content Screen

Select External and then click Create button

Fill Application basic detail

In Authorized domain fill

In scope select all calendar related scope (filter Google Calender Api in search box)

Note : There are 17 calendar api scope that you need to checked

Next screen will be Test user

Here you can add testing user

Note (If your app not published then testing user will able to use calendar only)

Next screen is summary screen where you can see application detail

Next you need to create OAuth Client ID

Click Credentials and then click Create Credential and select OAuth Client ID

Select Application type: Web Application

Authorised Redirect Url add below (domain link + meeting_callback.php)

If you have subdomain also the add your subdomain link also

After Save you need to download JSON file

Now open downloaded json file and copy its content and paste in semsto > setting > Configuration > Third party > Google Client Credential