

In this section, you can set follow-up regarding lead and also set reminders. This can include details about phone calls, emails, or any other follow-up activity.

Add Followup

Go to left Panel > CRM > Lead > click on the lead list one pop will be open > Activity > Followup

Field Name


Subject *

Use this field to add a Subject or title for the Lead Followup. This is a required field


Use this field to indicate the type of Followup, such as Email, Meeting, or Online Meeting.

Followup With

Followup With field refers to the user who will be responsible for following up with the lead. This field is typically a dropdown menu where the user can select the appropriate team member or employee. The selected user will receive notifications or reminders about the scheduled follow-up tasks.

Schedule Date

Select the date on which you want to schedule the follow-up.

Schedule Time

Select the time at which you want to schedule the follow-up.

Reminder me before

Set a reminder to be notified before the scheduled follow-up time.


Any additional information or notes about the follow-up.

IS Completed?

Check this box if the follow-up is already completed.

Edit Followup

Go to left Panel > CRM > Lead > click on the lead list one pop will be open > Activity > Followup > Edit Activity

(Note: once you complete the Followup you cannot edit it.)