Followup Due Employee (Summary Report)

Followup Due Employee (Summary Report)

Followup Due Employee (Summary Report) is an automation rule that generates a summary report of all the missed follow-ups by employees in a given period. The rule is triggered at a scheduled time, for example, at the end of each day, and scans the CRM system for missed follow-ups.

If any missed follow-up is found, the rule generates a summary report that includes the name of the employee who missed the follow-up, the client's name, the scheduled follow-up date, and the reason for the missed follow-up (if available). The report is then sent to all the employees in the company via email.

This rule helps to ensure that no follow-up is missed and provides a quick overview of missed follow-ups to help employees stay on top of their tasks. The rule can be customized to fit the needs of the organization, such as changing the frequency of the report or adding more details to the report.

Field Name


Rule Title *

This is the name of the rule that you can use to identify it.

Automation Group *

This is the group of automation rules to which the Followup Due Employee (Summary Report) rule belongs.

Lead Activity

This field specifies the type of lead activity that triggers the rule.


This field briefly describes the Followup Due Employee (Summary Report) rule.


This field indicates the current status of the rule, whether it is Active or Deactive. By default, this Rule is active.


The summary indicates that have to send a summary instead of individual mail of related missed Followup. Ex. suppose multiple employees missed follow-ups then if you mark it as a summary then the employee will be got one mail that indicates his/her missed X number of followup instead of individual mail for each missed follow-up.

No Of Days

This field specifies the number of days after which a followup activity becomes due.

Till action not completed?  
Send To

The recipients of the summary report email, typically include all employees, supervisors, and clients. This field specifies the recipient of the summary report email.

Communication Type

Here you can select The type of communication used for missed follow-up activities, such as email, SMS, or Whatsapp.


If you have set up an autoresponder, you can select it here to automatically send a response to the recipient(s) after they receive the email


Enter the subject of the email in this field. Make sure it is descriptive and summarizes the content of the email.


Enter the main body of the email in this field. You can format The text, add hyperlinks, and attach files as needed. You can Also, use email templates if available. Once you have entered the content, review it for accuracy and clarity before sending the email

Email Format:

Excel Format: