Lead Followup Type

Lead Followup Type

In CRM, follow-up types refer to the different methods to use for following up with leads. Follow-up types can include phone calls, emails, meetings, and more.

Add Followup Type

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Followup Type > Add Lead Followup Type

Field Name


Name *

The name of the follow-up type. This is a required field


The color code is assigned to the follow-up type for easy identification.


An optional image to represent the follow-up type.


The status of the follow-up type, which can be set to Active or Inactive. Inactive types will not be available for use in the CRM.

Edit Followup Type

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Followup Type > Edit Icon

Delete Followup Type

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Followup Type > Delete Icon