Lead Tag

Lead Tag

Tags in a CRM system are labels that you can assign to leads it helps you organize and categorize your data. Tags can be used to identify specific characteristics or attributes of a lead

In the CRM Tag Master, you can create and manage tags that can be applied to leads. When creating a tag, you can give it a name.

Once you have created tags in the CRM Tag Master, you can apply them to individual leads as needed and it will help you easily find and filter data based on those tags. For example, you might create a tag called "High Priority" for leads that require immediate attention from your sales team, or a tag called "Interested in Product X" for leads that have expressed interest in a particular product

Add Lead Tag

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Industries > Add Industries

Field Name


Title *

This field is used to enter the name of the lead tag. This field is required and should be a descriptive name that helps you identify the tag's purpose.


Tags are created with an active status by default, allowing them to be applied to leads. If you no longer want to use a tag, you can set its status to inactive to prevent it from being applied to new leads. Inactive tags can still be viewed and edited in the CRM Tag Master, but they will not appear in the list of available tags when applying tags to leads.

Edit Lead Tag

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Lead Tag > Edit Icon

Delete Lead Tag

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Lead Tag > Delete Icon