How to Add New Lead

How to Add New Lead

Add Lead

Go to Top Panel > CRM > Add Lead

Field Name


Select lead by

In this field, you can select lead by. In this lead by field, you can select sales person, marketing person, or employee

Lead Title *

Enter the name or title of the lead. This field is required

Lead Description

Add a brief description of the lead.


Indicate any specific requirements the lead may have, such as a need for a particular product or service.

Lead Source

This field allows you to specify where the lead came from. You can use a dropdown menu to select from common sources, such as referrals, websites, or social media, or you can add a custom source.

Lead Profile

Select the lead profile of the lead. This field is required when the connect lead to profile configuration is on


This field allows you to add Connect for this field.


This field allows you to specify the industries that the lead is associated with. You can use a dropdown menu to select from common industries, or you can add a custom industry.

Conversion Probability (%)

The conversion probability field allows you to assign a percentage to the likelihood that the lead will convert into a customer. This helps to prioritize leads and focus on those that are more likely to result in a sale.

Lead URL

This field allows you to add the URL of the lead's website or any other relevant online presence.

Lead Value

This field allows you to add an estimate or potential value.


Assign one or more tags to the lead from the "Lead Tags" dropdown menu.

Expected Closed Date

This field allows you to specify the date by which you expect to close the lead.


Field Name



Assign one or multiple Staff members to the lead, who will be responsible for managing the lead and its follow-up activities.

Enter Remarks

Use this field to add any additional comments or notes about the lead staff.

Lead Stage

Field Name


Select Lead funnel

Use this field to select the funnel.


Use this field to add a stage. The stage will display based on the lead funnel


Use this field to add any additional notes or comments about the lead's progress through the sales pipeline.

Lead Document

Field Name



Use this field to add a caption or title for the document.


Use this field to indicate the type of document, such as an Image, content, or external link.


Use this field to upload the document file.

Add More

Use this button to add additional documents as needed.

Select Client

Field Name


Select Client *

If the client already exists in your CRM system, you can select them from the dropdown list in this field. This field allows you to link the new lead to an existing client in your CRM system.

Add Client switch

If the client does not exist in your CRM system, you can turn on this switch to add a new client.

Company Name *

Use this field to enter the name of the company that the client represents. This is a required field

Work Phone *

Use this field to enter the client's work phone number. This will be used as the primary contact number for the client. This is a required field

Person Name *

Enter the name of the contact person for the client in this field.

Person Email

Enter the email address of the contact person for the client in this field.

Person Designation

Enter the job title or designation of the contact person for the client in this field.

Person Phone

Enter the phone number of the contact person for the client in this field.


Enter the street address of the client in this field.


Enter the city where the client is located in this field.


Enter the zip or postal code of the client's location in this field


Enter the country where the client is located in this field.


Enter the state or province where the client is located in this field.


Enter the client's website in this field.

Skype ID

Enter the client's Skype ID if applicable in this field.


Enter the client's LinkedIn profile URL if applicable in this field.

Additional Information1

Enter any additional relevant information about the client in this field.

Additional Information2

Enter any additional relevant information about the client in this field.

Additional Details

If you enter the additional field in Custom field master all data show here.

Click here to add additional details

Edit Lead

Go to Top Panel > CRM > Lead > Edit Lead

Delete Lead

Go to Top Panel > CRM > Lead > Delete Lead