Lead Source

Lead Source

In this section you can add Lead Source. (Ex. Advertising, Email Marketing, Google, Reference).

Lead source is a feature in CRM that enables users to track where a lead was generated. It helps businesses understand which marketing channels and campaigns are bringing in the most leads, allowing them to focus their efforts and resources on the most effective strategies.

Add Lead Source

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Lead Source > Add Lead Source

Field Name


Name *

This is a required field and represents the name of the lead source. You can give a name to the source


You can upload an image to represent the lead source


The status of the lead source, Which can be set to Active or Inactive. Inactive types will not be available for use in the CRM

Edit Lead Source

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Lead Source > Edit Icon

Delete Lead Source

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Lead Source > Delete Icon

(Note: Once you can select Lead Source in Lead you can’t delete)